This guide is currently being updated to reflect the recent changes made in The Bluebook (20th edition). Please be aware that pages containing this notice may contain out-of-date information.
Federal & State Constitutions - Cite constitutions by combining the abbreviated geographic region from Table 10 and the word "C ONST ." in small caps typeface. Abbreviate subdivisions according to Table 16.
U.S. C ONST. art. I, § 9, cl. 2.
U.S. C ONST. amend. XIV, § 2.
L A. C ONST. art. X, pt. IV.
Current Provisions - If the constitutional provision is still in force, no date is needed.
Repealed/Amended Provisions - Indicate parenthetically either the year and action, or cite the repealing/amending provision in full.
U.S. C ONST. amend. XVIII (repealed 1933).
U.S. C ONST. amend. XVIII, repealed by U.S. C ONST. amend. XXI.
U.S. C ONST. art. I, § 3, cl. 1 (amended 1913).
U.S. C ONST. art. I, § 3, cl. 1, amended by U.S. C ONST. amend. XVII.
Short Form - Do not use a short form other than "id." where appropriate for constitutions.
Only abbreviate words in Table 10 and Table 16 when citation is used in a footnote. If a constitution is referred to in a textual sentence, the citation must be written out fully, or the provision referred to by name.
U.S. Constitution: subdivistions and names are capitalized and in regular typeface
U.S. C ONST . art. IV, § 1
Article IV, Section 1
the Full Faith and Credit Clause
State Constitutions: subdivistions and names are not capitalized and in regular typeface
S.C. C ONST . art. I, § 12
article I, section 12
the double jeopardy clause