4. Clear copy of valid Identification (ID) of Primary Plan Beneficiary/ies (with picture, signature and date of birth).
II. Maturity for Education (last benefit) and Pension Plan
A. File for claim thru BPI Expressphone for claims up to Php 250,000.00 only or;
B. Submit the following requirements:
1. Original Plan Contract
2. Original Signed/ Accomplished Plan Benefit Pay-out Form
3. Data Privacy Form
4. Clear copy of valid Identification (ID) of Primary Plan Beneficiary/ies (with picture, signature and date of birth).
III. Pre-maturity or Surrender
1. Original Plan Contract
2. Original Signed/ Accomplished Plan Benefit Pay-out Form
3. Original Signed/ Accomplished Surrender Request Form
4. Data Privacy Form
5. Clear copy of valid Identification (ID) of Primary Plan Beneficiary/ies (with picture, signature and date of birth).
IV. Claim by Nominee who is a minor (payout thru the guardian)
1. Original PSA Death Certificate of the Planholder or Original Certified True Copy of Death Certificate issued by the Local Civil Registrar Office
2. Original PSA Birth Certificate of Nominee or Original Certified True Copy issued by the Local Civil Registrar
3. Clear copy of valid Identification (ID) of Nominee and Guardian (with picture, signature and date of birth).
4. Original Notarized Affidavit of Guardianship
5. Original accomplished and signed Plan Benefit Pay-out form (accomplished by the Guardian)
6. Data Privacy Form
V. Death Claim
1. Original Life Insurance Certificate (attached to the plan contract)
2. Original PSA Death Certificate of the Planholder/insured or Original Certified True Copy of Death Certificate issued by the Local Civil Registrar Office
3. Original PSA Birth Certificate of the Planholder and Beneficiary/ies or Original Certified True Copy of Death Certificate issued by the Local Civil Registrar Office
4. Original PSA Marriage Certificate of the Beneficiary/ies or Original Certified True Copy of Death Certificate issued by the Local Civil Registrar Office, for spouse or other married beneficiary/ies
5. BPI-Philam Life Assurance Corp. Claimant’s Statement (Original Signed/Notarized)
6. BPI-Philam Life Assurance Corp. Physician’s Statement (Original Signed/Notarized)
7. Barangay Chairman’s Cert. (residence & death)
8. Clear copy of valid Identification (ID) of Planholder and Beneficiaries (with picture, signature and date of birth).
VI. Claims for Clients/Planholders Abroad
A. If with BPI account
Refer to applicable requirements under I, II and III
B. If payout is thru an atty-in-fact or representative
1. Requirements from Planholder
a. Original (maturity) or photo copy (availment) of plan contract.
b. Original Signed/ Accomplished Plan Benefit Pay-out Form
c. Clear copy of valid Identification (ID) - with picture, signature and date of birth.
d. Consular SPA or Apostille (issued by the Philippine Consulate). The instructions should indicate very specifically the following details:
e. Clear copy or certified true copy of document bearing proof of relationship of Planholder to the representative (i.e. Marriage contract for spouse, birth cert for child, etc.)
2. Requirements from Atty-in-fact or representative
a. Clear copy of valid Identification (ID) - with picture, signature and date of birth.
b. Signed letter stating that he/she is the authorized representative of _________________ who will claim the Ayala Plans benefit for plan agreement number _________________ .
Representative should indicate telephone number/s for notifications.
1. Ayala Plans reserves the right to request additional documents as may be needed to process the application.
2. If there is a need to update any personal information related to benefit claim, kindly refer to the applicable requirements and submit them together with the claim requirements.
3. Documents for submission should be hand-carried or submitted by mail (postal or courier) to our office address at 8/F BPI Buendia Center, 360 Sen. Gil Puyat Ave., Makati City 1209
A. Pension Plan
1. Original Amendment Form fully accomplished and signed by the Primary Plan Beneficiary.
Note: For two or more Primary Plan Beneficiaries, a notarized Waiver of Benefit in favor of only one Primary Plan Beneficiary should be submitted.
2. Death Certificate of Planholder:
a. Original PSA copy; or
b. Original Certified True Copy issued by the Local Civil Registrar Office
3. Clear copy of valid Identification (ID) of Primary Plan Beneficiary/ies (with picture, signature and date of birth).
4. Birth Certificate of Primary Plan Beneficiary/ies:
a. Original PSA Copy/ies; or
b. Original Certified True Copy/ies issued by the Local Civil Registrar Office
5. Original PSA copy of Marriage Contract / Original Certified True Copy of Marriage Contract issued by the Local Civil Registrar Office, required for:
a. Primary Plan Beneficiary who is the spouse of the Planholder.
b. Female Plan Beneficiary/ies who is/are married.
6. Data Privacy Form.
B. Education Plan
1. Original Amendment form fully accomplished and signed by the Nominee of legal age
2. Death Certificate of Planholder:
a. Original PSA copy; or
b. Original Certified True Copy issued by the Local Civil Registrar Office
3. Clear copy of valid Identification (ID) of Nominee (with picture, signature and date of birth).
4. Birth Certificate of Nominee:
a. Original PSA Copy/ies; or
b. Original Certified True Copy/ies issued by the Local Civil Registrar Office
5. For married Nominee, original PSA copy of Marriage Contract / Original Certified True Copy of Marriage Contract issued by the Local Civil Registrar Office.
6. Data Privacy Form.
1. Documents issued by foreign countries such as; marriage contracts, death certificates, birth certificates, medical certificates and others should be consularized / apostillized by the Philippine Consulate/Embassy.
2. For documents with foreign court decisions (change of name and/or naturalization divorce, dissolution of marriage or annulment, legal separation, and others) will be treated on a case to case basis. However, documents below will be initially required:
a. Consularized / apostillized copy of the foreign divorce decree or Court decision on the dissolution of marriage.
b. Consularized / apostillized copy of the law allowing the divorce (duly certified as true copy by the foreign country’s repository of official laws).
c. If marriage was solemnized in the Philippines and divorced abroad:
i. Certified True Copy of the court petition recognizing the foreign divorce filed in the proper court of jurisdiction; or
ii. Certified True Copy of the Certificate of Finality of the Order Recognizing the Foreign Divorce Decree (if this item is submitted, no need to submit item letter b)
d. Consularized / apostillized copy of the new Marriage Contract.
3. Ayala Plans reserves the right to request for additional documents as may be needed to process the application.