Renewable Energy Resources



By their very nature, engineers are expert planners who are trained to take many factors into consideration as they design, .


Combating Climate Change Through Engineering Innovation

According to the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), climate change is defined as a long-term change in the .


Powering Progress: Minigrids in Africa

With electricity powering every corner of life and work in modern society, the absence of reliable access to electricity can .


A Global Perspective on Climate Change: Engineering Solutions for a Sustainable Future

Climate change, the long-term shift in temperature and average weather patterns, is a huge societal concern. Extreme precipitation, wildfires, and .


Are You Geared Up for the Grid? Microgrid Technologies: A Win-Win Solution

Today’s residential and business sectors have never been more dependent on the reliable flow of electricity. From consumers demanding instantaneous .

How Multiple Industries Utilize FEM and FEA

The finite element method (FEM) is essentially very complex math used by engineers to reduce the number of prototypes and .


How IEEE Standard 1547 Is Modernizing Power Grids

Smart inverters are advanced power electronics that bring autonomy to electrical grids, making them more reliable, resilient, and secure. These .


Innovation At Work’s Top Five Reads from 2021

Climate change. The COVID-19 pandemic. Cyber security attacks. Artificial intelligence (AI) and data privacy regulations. The shift to 5G. These .


Wind and Solar Almost Quadruple in U.S., Expected to Set Records in 2021

Renewable energies are surging. Between 2011 and 2020, the amount of energy the United States generated from solar and wind .


Innovative Renewable Projects Pave Way to Zero Carbon Electricity Generation

Global temperatures are soaring. Since pre-industrial times, human activity has warmed the planet global by 2 degrees Fahrenheit. Any further .

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