New CESP Application Form (including SAGES)

The information contained on this page is technical in nature and is intended for Registered Education Savings Plan ( RESP ) and Canada Education Savings Program promoters. For general information, visit the RESP section. Official title: New CESP Application Form (including SAGES )

Information Bulletin

Number : CESP / PCEE -2013/14-002-537 Date : June 5, 2013 Subject : New CESP Application Form (including SAGES )

Previous Bulletin

This Information Bulletin updates Notice #350 dated June 2, 2009.


The purpose of this Information Bulletin is to announce the launch of the new Canada Education Savings Program ( CESP ) Application Form and to provide RESP providers with an overview of the form.


In 2011, the Registered Education Savings Plan Advisory Group ( RESPAG ) Operations Table formed a “Streamlined Application Form” sub-working group with the objective of streamlining the existing application forms by reducing the number of forms from three to one, simplifying the form and associated application process, and increasing the take-up rate of all CESP incentives. The sub-working group, comprised of representatives from the financial industry, the Canada Revenue Agency and Human Resources and Skills Development Canada, reviewed and recommended changes to the existing forms. The first draft of the new application form was presented to the industry in June 2012. Further consultations and amendments were made between June and November 2012, and a revised draft was presented to the industry in December 2012.

New Form Number

Use of the Form

The new application form, which includes a main form and three annexes, can now be used to apply for the Basic and Additional Canada Education Savings Grant ( CESG ), the Canada Learning Bond ( CLB ), and the Saskatchewan Advantage Grant for Education Savings ( SAGES ).

In many situations, only the main application form needs to be completed. The annexes can be downloaded and completed separately from the main application form as needed:

Overview - Main Form

APPLICATION: Basic and Additional Canada Education Savings Grant ( CESG ) and Canada Learning Bond ( CLB ) (SDE 0093)

This part of the form (the main form) is used by the subscriber to apply for the Basic CESG , the Additional CESG , and the CLB .

Note: If the subscriber is not the PCG and the custodial parent/legal guardian, ANNEX B must be completed.

Overview - ANNEX A

ANNEX A – Additional Beneficiaries (SDE 0093-A)

Overview - ANNEX B

ANNEX B – Primary Caregiver and/or Custodial Parent/Legal Guardian (SDE 0093‑B)

ANNEX B must be completed when the subscriber is not the PCG and/or the custodial parent/legal guardian of the beneficiary. This annex is required in order for:

When completing ANNEX B, two different scenarios could apply:

  1. The PCG is also custodial parent/legal guardian of the beneficiary.
  2. The PCG is not the custodial parent/legal guardian of the beneficiary.

Note: that if there are cousins in the RESP , a separate copy of the annex should be completed by each PCG and each custodial parent/legal guardian (as applicable) for their respective children.

Overview - ANNEX C

ANNEX C – APPLICATION: Saskatchewan Advantage Grant for Education Savings ( SAGES ) (SDE 0093‑C)


To better meet the needs of RESP providers, the new form is being provided in a fillable PDF format.

Please note that:

  1. the form cannot be altered;
  2. client options cannot be pre-selected; and
  3. all signatures must appear on hard copies.

Acessing the Form

The form is available on the Promoter's Page of the HRSDC Web site.

Key Dates

Effective Date

The new form is available for use immediately (June 5, 2013); however, the CESP is allowing RESP providers a six‑month period for implementation.

Mandatory Date

This new form will become mandatory on December 1, 2013.

User Guide

The RESP Provider User Guide is currently being revised to reflect the new form. You will be notified when it is available.

Contact Us

Questions on this Information Bulletin should be directed to the Canada Education Savings Program by e-mail at or by calling 1-888-276-3624.