WASHINGTON, DC - MARCH 18: U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg speaks at an annual . [+] Women's History Month reception hosted by Pelosi in the U.S. capitol building on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. This year's event honored the women Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court: Associate Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sonia Sotomayor, and Elena Kagan. (Photo by Allison Shelley/Getty Images)
Ruth Bader Ginsburg paved the way for gender equality in the United States. The late Supreme Court Justice, who died last week at the age of 87, achieved much of her progress for equality as a lawyer before serving on the highest bench in the country.
When Ginsburg was a lawyer at the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), she co-founded the Women’s Rights Project, overseeing hundreds of gender discrimination cases—and many of them focused on financial issues. Her many victories led to significant advances in financial equality for women.
There’s still work to be done. Issues like the gender wage gap still persist—the average woman in the U.S. earned 81.6 cents to every dollar men earned in 2018, and that gap widens for women of color—but Ginsburg’s early work provided constitutional protection from gender discrimination. Without these cases, many of these discriminatory laws could possibly still be in effect today.
Ginsburg’s fight for gender equality didn’t just expand to women’s rights, though. She used carefully measured tactics that pointed out discrimination of both women and men, with many of her arguments showcasing how discrimination against either parties—and sometimes, both—disadvantaged entire families, not just individuals. Ginsburg’s strategy made her arguments more accessible and relatable during a time in U.S. history when equal rights for both genders was seen as a progressive, out-of-the-box idea.
Here are three key cases Ginsburg worked on that paved the way for financial equality for both women and men.
Notable case: Reed vs. Reed (1971)
RBG’s first case on behalf of the ACLU heard by the Supreme Court was Reed vs. Reed, a landmark case in women’s rights. The plaintiff brief she wrote established that the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment could be used as a successful legal argument against gender discrimination—and became the basis for many of her arguments in years to come.
The Reed vs. Reed case shot down an Idaho law requiring men to be favored over women as administrators of an estate. An Idaho Court unanimously ruled that, in general, “men are better qualified to act [as administrators] than are women.” The case was then escalated to the Supreme Court, which unanimously agreed that the original ruling was a violation of the Equal Protection Clause.
The Supreme Court’s decision has been hailed as a pivotal moment in the fight for women’s rights—it was the first time gender discrimination was recognized as a direct violation of the Constitution, and it became the foundation for future decisions that protected both men and women from such discrimination.
According to The Supreme Court Historical Society, “The Court, it seemed, was catching up to the rest of society, where—as the ACLU's brief pointed out—women were entering the workforce in unprecedented numbers, and statutes such as Idaho's were beginning to look like quaint artifacts of an outdated era.”
Key quote: “The myth that women are inherently disqualified for full participation in public life as independent persons is no longer acceptable. Yet this Court's silence has deferred recognition by the law that women are full persons, entitled as men are to due process guarantees and the equal protection of the laws. The time to break the vicious cycle which sex discriminatory laws create is overdue,” reads the reply brief Ginsburg co-wrote.
Notable case: Ledbetter vs. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. (2007)
RBG was a key player in the fight for equal wages for women—even though actual progress came long after the majority of her colleagues on the Supreme Court ruled against her in the Ledbetter vs. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. Case (and some might argue that we’re still waiting for her vision to come to fruition).
Lilly Ledbetter, a female supervisor at a Goodyear Plant in Alabama for more than two decades, faced sexual harassment and asserted that she was paid less than similarly titled male superiors because of her sex. Ledbetter filed a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, a federal agency responsible for administering and enforcing civil rights laws against workplace discrimination, and was awarded $3.3 million for damages.
The case eventually made it to the Supreme Court in 2007 after The Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit reversed the original verdict, arguing that Ledbetter filed her complaint too late because she didn’t file it when her first discriminatory pay check was disbursed.
The Supreme Court upheld the Eleventh Circuit decision in a 5-4 decision. The Court determined that employees can’t challenge ongoing pay discrimination if the original discriminatory pay was outside of the statute of limitations period — even if they continued to receive unfair pay after.
RBG read a fierce dissent from the bench after the Court’s decision. She argued that pay disparities are often much harder to identify than other types of discrimination, such as not being promoted or fired and can take a long time to become evident.
Less than two years later, the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009 was signed into law by President Barack Obama. Under the law, discriminatory pay or decisions can be filed as complaints without such strict time restrictions. The law overturned the Supreme Court’s decision, ultimately siding with Ginsburg’s dissent.
RBG’s dissent created protections for employees who worried about speaking up about discriminatory practices for fear of losing their jobs. Ginsburg, in her statement, described how discrimination can silently accumulate over time, which stifled women climbing the compensation ranks in corporate America.
Key quote: “The Court’s insistence on immediate contest overlooks common characteristics of pay discrimination. Pay disparities often occur, as they did in Ledbetter’s case, in small increments; cause to suspect that discrimination is at work develops only over time. Comparative pay information, moreover, is often hidden from the employee’s view. Employers may keep under wraps the pay differentials maintained among supervisors, no less the reasons for those differentials,” Ginsberg wrote in her dissent. “Small initial discrepancies may not be seen as meet for a federal case, particularly when the employee, trying to succeed in a nontraditional environment, is averse to making waves.”
Notable case: Wienberger vs. Wiesenfeld (1975)
The ruling in this case not only validated and protected the value of women’s work, but it ensured rights for widowed men.
When Stephen Wiesenfeld’s wife, Paula Polastchek, died during childbirth in 1972, Wiesenfeld was left alone to care for their newborn. He applied for Social Security benefits for himself and his son—but only his son was granted the benefits. Wiesenfeld was told that he was ineligible to receive benefits because the Social Security Act only provided the benefits of a deceased wife to her children, not her surviving husband.
In 1973, Wiesenfeld sued on behalf of himself and other widowers. He argued that the Social Security Act permitted gender discrimination against surviving widowers. When the case reached the Supreme Court, Ginsburg made two compelling arguments: The Social Security Act was not only being discriminatory toward Wiesenfeld for being a widower, but it was also denying men the same opportunity as women to care for their children. Additionally, Ginsburg argued the Social Security Act discriminated against women because they earned less family benefits than men.
The Supreme Court unanimously ruled in favor of Weinberger.
Key quote: “Although men stood to gain directly from the decision, it represented a major victory for supporters of equal rights for women, with the high court taking its strongest stand to date against discrimination based on sex and setting aside virtually all reservations voiced in contrary rulings in 1973 and 1974,” reads a New York Times article from the day of the ruling in 1975.
Though work remains to be done for gender equality in the United States, Ginsburg’s work both as a lawyer for the ACLU and a Supreme Court Justice paved the way for generations of both women and men—and Ginsburg’s legacy will undoubtedly continue to push more change forward.