The Child-Parent Security Act: Gestational Surrogacy Agreements, Acknowledgment of Parentage and Orders of Parentage

Vital Records may amend the names of the intended parents on birth records for all of New York State except New York City. It does not have these records for New York City (the boroughs of Manhattan, Kings (Brooklyn), Queens, Bronx, and Richmond (Staten Island)).

The Child-Parent Security Act

The Child-Parent Security Act (CPSA) is a law in New York State that legalizes gestational surrogacy and provides a simple path to establish legal parental rights for parents who rely on assisted reproductive technology (ART) to have children. The CPSA goes into effect on February 15, 2021.

The Act introduces new documentation to amend the birth certificate:

Acknowledgment of Parentage (AoP)

The following persons may sign an AoP:

The AoP is void if the following occur:


An AoP must be submitted to either:

LDSS Acknowledgment of Parentage (PDF)
Use this form for adding the non-birth parent's name under the above-mentioned circumstances

Gestational Surrogacy Agreements

The first step in surrogacy is for the intended parent(s) to select a surrogate. The surrogate and intended parent(s) are screened to make sure they are healthy (both physically and emotionally) and able to participate in the surrogacy process. Once a surrogate is matched with the intended parent(s), the parties work with their separate attorneys to write, review, revise and sign the surrogacy agreement. This happens before the start of any medical procedures (other than screening tests.)

The surrogacy agreement describes the rights and responsibilities of the surrogate and the intended parent(s) and the promises (agreement) the parties are making to one another. New York State law is very specific about the requirements of the agreement (seeFamily Court Act § 581-403). Surrogacy matching programs and attorneys for the surrogate and intended parent(s) must ensure that all requirements are met under New York State law to ensure the agreement is legally binding and enforceable, and to best protect the interests and rights of all parties to the agreement.

After the surrogacy agreement is signed, an embryo can be transferred into the surrogate through IVF. IVF is a medical procedure where an egg is fertilized with sperm in a laboratory. This creates an embryo that is transferred into the surrogate's uterus. The surrogate usually takes medication before the embryo is transferred. This makes the IVF procedure more likely to result in a pregnancy.

In New York State, the gestational surrogates have a right to the following, to be provided and paid for by the intended parent(s):

Surrogates also have the following rights under New York law:

The gestational surrogacy agreement is a long document, and includes additional information related to the surrogacy process.

Surrogacy matching programs and attorneys for the surrogate and intended parent(s) must refer to the full legal requirements set forth in New York law, including but not limited to the requirements for a gestational surrogacy agreement, set forth in Family Court Act Article 5-C, Part 4, and the Surrogate's Bill of Rights, set forth in Family Court Act Article 5-C, Part 6. The above lists are not intended to be exhaustive or serve as legal guidance.

Gestational surrogacy can be costly, and the price range varies. Costs can include legal fees, medical expenses, surrogacy agency fees, surrogate's compensation (payments to a person acting as surrogate are limited to the duration of the pregnancy and a recuperative period of up to eight weeks after the birth of any child), and other miscellaneous expenses. Many surrogacy arrangements cost between $60,000 and $150,000.


Orders of Parentage

A petition for judgment of parentage or non-parentage of a child conceived through assisted reproduction may be initiated in Family Court by:

Court Clerk:

Shall submit a notification of an order of parentage to the State Health Department


In addition to the notice from the Court Clerk, an Order of Parentage must be submitted:

Original Birth Certificate is sealed

The original birth certificate and all other documents relating to the changes will be retained in a sealed file. Only the amended birth certificate will be released upon future requests for a certified birth certificate.

Local Registrars

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Documentation and Publications

Click the links below to open these PDF documents. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer to view PDF documents.Download the free Adobe Reader.


The first copy of the amended new birth certificate is free to the birth parent.

For more information on the Gestational Surrogacy, Surrogacy Screening Guidelines, Surrogates’ Bill of Rights and Ova and Oocyte donation

For more information on Gestational Surrogacy, Surrogacy Screening Guidelines, Surrogates’ Bill of Rights and Ova and Oocyte donation please see The Child-Parent Security Act: Gestational Surrogacy.


  1. A surrogate who does not receive any compensation for the surrogacy may waive the right to have the intended parent(s) pay for the health insurance policy and associated costs (e.g., co-pays). SeeFamily Court Act § 581-402[7]); but see Family Court Act § 581-403(g).