A programming language that was used to develop Facebook, one of the most popular technologies ever to exist among people. Until PHP came along and revolutionized the way web applications have come thus far, developing dynamic web apps was previously thought to be a far-off possibility.
The goal of web development is to create interactive and engaging user experiences that captivate people’s attention and leave them with positive memories of the website. Web development is more than just producing code to show material on the internet. Yes, PHP does assist developers in doing that.
Since its debut in the 1990s, it became a powerful foundation in the growth of innumerable websites, from social media platforms to e-commerce websites. In this guide, we are diving into the fundamental understanding of how to leverage PHP for web development .
Table of ContentsThe server-side programming language PHP, which stands for HyperText Processor, was created with the stated objective of bridging the client-side or front end of a website with the server-side or backend. It offers a powerful functionality to developers that allows them to directly embed PHP into HTML code. Generally, PHP is used for the purpose of giving a dynamic edge to a website. A common functionality of client-side scripting languages is that the code is executed on the server before you can see the output on the browser. This is the reason why a backend language like PHP gets an edge and performs tasks that include communication with the server seamlessly.
If PHP hadn’t been used to build a backend for Facebook in the beginning and provide apps with a modern, interactive interface, you can only imagine what would have existed. Let’s talk about some of the key reasons PHP is a popular programming language for creating websites.
A well-built PHP project frequently comes about as a consequence of the capabilities gained through the collaboration of multiple technologies. The following is a list of 5 tools that programmers use to increase their effectiveness and productivity.
There are several things to take into account while selecting an IDE for PHP web development, including price, scalability, operating system, and more. Are there PHP IDEs that can meet all of your demands in a single package? Here are a few of the most well-liked IDEs from which you can choose depending on the needs of your project.
You can download Xampp from its official website. Download the software based on the operating system you’re going to use.
After Installing Xampp, launch the application, and you will see a window as shown above. Start the Apache and MySQL servers from here by clicking on Start corresponding to each of them.
Create a new PHP file in the “ htdocs ” folder located under the “ XAMPP ” folder on the drive where it is installed. A PHP file is saved with the extension “ .php “.
Open up any web browser and enter “ localhost/filename ”. This will launch the PHP file that is stored inside the htdocs folder. For example, let’s launch our file by entering the following URL on the browser, localhost/browserstack.php .
Paste the following code inside the file and hit the URL to see the output on the browser window. This is also how you are now able to run your first
echo "Hello World
"; ?>
Just like that, we created our first PHP code.
1. Variables
Variables are containers of data that can be used to store data of different types such as numbers, strings, objects, and more. In PHP, a variable name starts with a ‘ $ ‘ sign. Let’s understand with an example.
$x = 3; $y = 2; echo $x + $y; ?>
2. Operators
Just like in any other programming language, you can also perform arithmetic operations in PHP. These operators are used widely in websites for several purposes.
Let’s understand what I’m saying with an example.
echo 3 + 2;
3. Functions
Functions are reusable blocks of code that are assigned some name to use anywhere throughout the document. Let’s create a function that when given two numbers, returns the output as the sum of those numbers.
function addNum(int $num1, int $num2) return $num1 + $num2; > echo addNum(3,2); ?>
4. Conditional Statements
In some instances, we wish that some code should only be executed under some conditions, otherwise, skip the script. This can be achieved by applying conditions in our code with the help of ‘if..else’. Let’s understand this with the help of an example.
$age = 50; if ($age>18) echo "You're allowed"; > else echo "Not allowed"; > ?>
Loops are programming constructs that are useful in executing a block of code repeatedly to meet a desired condition. There are certain types of loops such as, for loop, while loop, for-each loop, and do-while loop. Let’s understand each of the looping techniques in PHP.
for ($x = 0; $x 5; $x++) echo "This is repeated $x time
"; > ?>
while($x < 5) echo "Count is at: $x
"; $x++; > ?>
$x = 0; do echo "Count is at: $x
"; $x++; > while ($x 5); ?>
An array in PHP is a special type of data container that stores multiple pieces of similar types of data under the name of a single variable. Array plays an essential role in managing data efficiently. Now, let’s understand Array with the help of an example.
$fruits = array("apple", "mango", "banana"); echo "I prefer " . $fruits[0] . " and " . $fruits[2] . "."; ?>
If you follow the right approach to building your project, you can make your application more functional and less flaky. Let’s now understand how to leverage PHP, so that we don’t lag in creating dynamic web applications. Here are some best practices you must follow to fully optimize PHP for web development.
PHP is an efficient server-side programming language that helps in creating dynamic and interactive web pages. Alongside this, it is widely used in automation testing. Also, using PHP offers so many advantages, one of them is an open-source language. PHP is backed by a strong community, which makes it more efficient with each regular update.
We dived into the fundamental PHP concepts that are necessary for carrying out any web development task. We also comprehended some of the procedures you have to adhere to in order to increase the effectiveness and productivity of your PHP development.