For additional grantee guidance, please see: Grantee Guidance
LSC restrictions apply to both LSC funding and some non-LSC funding used by grantees. See: Table of LSC Restrictions & Funding Sources
The LSC Act established LSC and sets rules and restrictions on LSC and grantees.
LSC AppropriationsAnnual appropriations fund LSC and set rules and restrictions for LSC and grantees.
Inspector General ActThe Inspector General Act creates an independent LSC Office of Inspector General.
LSC RegulationsLSC regulations appear in the Code of Federal Regulations.
Program LettersProgram Letters provide grantees with guidance for compliance with LSC requirements and recommendations.
Advisory OpinionsAdvisory Opinions provide interpretations of the LSC Act and regulations.
The Rulemaking page contains regulations currently under revision, the Rulemaking Protocol, Rulemaking Agenda, and recently closed rulemakings.
LSC provides additional guidance in the "I am a Grantee" section, including model practices, reporting requirements, training, and fiscal guidance.