Virginia has three waivers for individuals with a developmental disability :
Virginia Medicaid administers DD Waivers jointly with the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health an d Developmental Services . There is a waiting list for these waivers, and the slots are assigned based on urgency of need. To apply for DD Waiver services , contact your local Community Services Board (CSB) or visit the Virginia Community Services Board website to locate the CSB in your community.
The CCC Plus Waiver serves all ages and does not have a waiting list. The waiver provides care in the home and community rather than in a nursing facility or other specialized care medical facility. The CCC Plus Waiver provides supports and se rvice options for successful living, nursing, respite, assistive technology and environmental modifications.
The Department of Medical Assistance Servic es (DMAS) oversees the Medicaid Long -term Services and Supports Screening Process in Virginia to evaluate what services may be available to an individual, including services through the CCC Plus waiver.